A few days ago there was a list of the most influential technological devices that have emerged in the last thirty years. Although all mentioned only deserved and undisputed first place for the iPhone, however, in the middle of the list was the iPad. Is it right?
Time Magazine published a list of some fifty gadgets , which in some ways revolutionized our lives. Place coincided with the first smartphone with a gnawed apple logo. In second place came the TV Sony Trinitron, and the third place coincided with (surprisingly!) Apple Macintosh computer. When everyone described "victory" iPhone, probably few people drew attention to the fact that the list was also the first iPad. Apple iPad made its debut six years ago, as in 2010. Like the iPhone – intensified the trend other manufacturers to follow suit given Apple's hardware. At the time, everyone wondered whether the iPad will repeat the success of the iPhone and whether it will be able to replace laptops. Today we know that the tablet does not give advice to replace a full-fledged laptop, just as no other. Manufacturers (including self Apple) and directed towards consumers hybridoma, wherein the device depending on the requirements, can be used as a laptop or tablet.
Steve Jobs presents the iPad / fot. Mike Lee, Flickr.com
iPad was not the first tablet. Already had its debut GriDPad and Palm Pilot. Both devices have smaller screens, however, after which nawigowaĆo a special stylus. Later, the producers also tried to interest users with similar measures, but inappropriate technical capabilities prevented the proper development of the devices. Apple sold the first day of 300,000 copies of the iPad, which is almost the same as iPhones during the launch of this smartphone. This number is growing every month, and the tablet became increasingly anticipated gadget announcements during subsequent editing. It is not surprising that he was on the list composed by Time Magazine exactly in half, since occupies 25th place. This is undoubtedly the most powerful tablet in the history of the last years. But what is more interesting – it is also the only tablet that was on the discussed list. So it seems that neither Samsung nor any other company producing tablets has not been able to produce such a great interest in their devices, as have Apple creating kind of worship of their devices. According to you, what the tablet run on this list?
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