
Quick reference for first time KODI users

Quick reference for first time KODI users.


Starting KODI for the first time:

SettingsAppearance/Settings level/Advanced - Get advanced settings.
Settings/Appearance/International - Set your REGION. (I use UK(24h) gives 24H00 and Celcius)
Video/Acceleration - Un-tick "Allow hardware acceleration - MediaCodec (Surface)"
Weather/General - Enable/Install "OpenWeatherMap Extended" and choose your Location from "Settings"Addons/Install from repository:
Web interface - "Arch" - Give you access to the system from a Web Browser and this one is better.
Video add-ons - "Youtube" - Remember to authenticate.
Subtitles - "Opensubtitles.org" - Give you the best subtitles for foreign and hard of hearing support.
Services - "XBMC Check Previous Episode" - This one give you a popup to go to the first UNWATCHED TV show when you start an episode.
Services - "Watchdog" - This will update your library if a change is seen.
Services - "Unpause Jumpback" - This will jump back 10 seconds when paused for more than 10 seconds. Remember to set the "jumpback" value to 10 seconds...
Services - "Nextup Service Notification" - This will give you a netflix style button you can press to watch the next episode.Other Addons:
Program add-ons/Trakt - This will give your library access to TRAKT.
Music add-ons/Radio - Access to some nice radio-stations. You can also define your own streams.You can share/sync your library between more devices by adding a smb and mysql server into your setup. Refer to the KODI WiKi (http://kodi.wiki/view/Main_Page) for more info.

This is one of the most useful sites if you need to get custom settings into KODI. Refer to site for more info.

In my environment I have the following advancedsettings.xml in place:







<cputempcommand>echo "$(busybox sed -e 's/current cpu_temp://' /sys/rockchip_thermal/temp) C"</cputempcommand>

So, as you can see the settings can be quite a handful, but it will help and make your life easy to read and understand how it works.

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