
How To Make Your Blog Awesome 2018 ?

How To Make Your Blog Awesome:

Simplicity Is Love:
You notice why most popular bloggers are succesfull with there blog because they always follow simiplicty rules, not fancy rules.
They love their readors and value them and try there best to make sure that they ll not leave the blog with satisfication.
Now The question how you can make your blog simple and beautiful? Don’t Worry here are some tips and methods.
Use Simple Theme:
I hope you like my blog theme and its look so simple because I don’t want many fancy widgets on my blog and other features which not good for seo and make site load slow.
So I choose Genesis Frame Work For my blog which is far better than most of the fancy themes. You can make and develop your own custom theme for your needs.
If you can’t afford then Mythemeshop Themes also good.
Just remember these things:
  1. Look Simple and beautiful not fancy.
  2. Theme size in Kb, not Mb. Because Mb file is not good for shared hosting environment.
  3. Not come with default plugins and widgets because this can make site load slow.
  4. Try to avoid theme which comes with many features because these types of themes coded badly and also come with may css which is not good for site speed.
  5. Choose Good Theme provider.
Remove Unnecessary Widgets:
Many new bloggers make this mistake by adding many widgets in the sidebar. Remove all unnecessary widgets.
  1. Remove Ads As Much You Can.
  2. Remove Facebook And Google Like Boxes Instead Of This Use social follow icons.
  3. Remove Search Widget if your theme come with inbuilt search box.
  4. Remove or limited banners of sponsors.
Increase Your Site Speed: 
Speed is all know that is a ranking factor according to google also if your blog speed is good then your readers ll navigate easily and feels good.
If your site load in 1 seconds then good but if your site load in above 5 seconds then you need to improve.
Here in this WordPress Speed Guide, I mention some easy methods which you can apply to increase your WordPress blog speed.

Write Good And Catchy Posts (Offer Something Valuable):

Write high quality and good posts. Your readers are looking for qaulity posts and landed in your blog if they found that your post is not meet there requirements then they ll leave and never come back on your blog.
So the first impressions are your last impression means if the visitor visits your blog very first time and not feel good or not found the post which he looking for then chances are high that he ll leave and come back.
So for this, you have to write in-depth guides and articles. Your post must be in 1000+ or 3000+ words you have to write a lot to beat other blog posts but the quality one.
Neil Patel And Backlinko Guide mostly in 9000+ words and that’s why they are ruling in the blogging world.
Research on the internet and see what readers are looking for and write an awesome post on that keyword I love Semrush for this task because semrush is one of the best tools you can use to find good and high catchy keywords for your blog post.
Semrush is known as the king of keyword research means you can use this awesome tool to Find Profitable Keywords With Low Competition so your posts rank fast and your traffic ll increase.
Let me tell you one good posts can beat thousands of posts in SERPs.
You can also follow this guide from one of my friend blog ( How To Write SEO Friendly Blog Post )

Stick With Plan And Don’t Try To Cross Your Boundaries:

This is the problem of every new blogger who wants to generate traffic to there blog. They start writing posts which are irrelevant and outside of there niche and blog content.
So always write posts which come under your niche and make sense.
You can’t generate traffic by writing irrelevant posts because google hates these type of blogs which make no sense and can deindex your blog complete.
So always plan some good take time as much you can to write an awesome and quality post on your blog. You don’t need to post or publish post regularly one post in week or month is awesome but make sure that post meet blog requirements and google requirements.
Now top bloggers and authority bloggers write posts which are 5000+ words or even 10000+ words and that’s why they are ranked.
One quality post can give you tons of traffic to your blog.
I myself write irrelevant posts in my starting days but google kick me horribly and my blog deindexed and that feels horrible.
Blogging is not my main source of earnings I have other projects but yes blogging is my one of the important source of earnings.
So that’s why I commit myself that I ll write quality posts not shitty trendings posts just for sake of some temporary traffic because trends cannot stay long.
For this, i recommend you to make another blog like a viral blog or something which make sense or if you just want to experiment then make an experiment blog to test your tricks and then apply on your main blog.
Always plan and think twice before you are going to trick google or other search engines because they are now smarter than you.
Google Release update accordingly and your all business ll go down in seconds.
So Plan something long term.
Good Luck.

Build Relationships With Your Readers And Followers:

Relationships with other bloggers and with your followers. can help your blogging journey in many ways.
So I always suggest to make and build relationships with other fellow bloggers.
Follow their blogs and also follow them like what they are doing and what they are planning. Also if you are facing some problem with your blog then you can request another blogger to help you in this case.
Interview them on your blog and link them chances are high that they ll also take your interview and link back to your blog.
I have many bloggers friends in my circle especially on social media sites and whenever I feel some problem with my blog than they I request them to help me and they help me.
Also, you can get good knowledge for your blogging career for your blogging which can grow your blogs and make your blog awesome.

Use Good Tools To Optimize Your Blog:

For professional blogging, you should adopt good and professional tools to make your blog awesome and these tool ll help you to optimize your blog for search engines.
These Are Some Important And Must Have Tools I use For SEO And Other to things to make your blog awesome and you should also start using these Seo tools
Semrush: (Must)
Semrush is one of the most popular and professional tools I am using. This tool helps me to find awesome keywords for my blog posts by keyword research and also help me to spy on my competitor’s backlinks for Link Building ;).
One of the thing i love about semrush that you can audit your blog and this tool ll tell you what your errors your blog have and help you to fix them.
You can generate easy Disavow file including many toxic links which hurting your blog SEO.
This gives many features which I can’t explain here you have to visit them to check all features. 🙂
Google Search Console:
Google Search Console aka Google webmaster Tool, Tool by google help you to submit your blog to google and tell you what error or issues google facing while crawling your blog and help you to fix them.
Also, you can submit a sitemap to google which helps google while indexing your blog in SERPs.
This tool will scan your blog and help you to find where your site or your competitor site getting backlinks.

Keep Learning (Always Be Hungry For Knowledge)

Never call yourself expert or professional just keep learning and never stop learning. Always start and thirsty for knowledge and this ll help you to learn many things.
One day when you call yourself pro then you cannot learn new things and you cannot focus on new things to learn.
So just start foolish for knowledge and decide time and read books and articles in your niche with a cup of coffee. This ll fresh your mind and clear bad thoughts and motivate you to be one of the successful blogger or other you want to become one :).

Final Words:

I hope you like this post and help you fix many problems with your blog and help you to make your blog awesome so your readers ll love your content and always come back to learn new things from your blog.

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