

According to recent information, Huawei sued T-Mobile. All because of a breach by T-mobile patent related to wireless 4G network. The end of "love" between giants?
The lawsuit is chasing a lawsuit. But this time the case is not about Apple. As reported by The Verge websiteHuawei sued T-Mobile in breach of a patent on wireless 4G network. The lawsuit filed by Huawei company claims that the T-mobile did not pay for the use of infrastructure, Huawei. It is interesting, however, is that thecompany is not asking for damages giant as it usually happens in such cases. Huawei aims to ensure that the court confirmed the license agreement on the use of the patent. Thus, the Chinese company will provide a very lucrative contract. This is not the first court case, which divided the Huawei and T-mobile. About two years ago, T-mobile odwdzięczyło the same in connection with "theft of trade secrets" related to the automated control system of new devices – smartphones. Interestingly the matter is still pending. O sorry, now there are two …Source: Wall Street Journal.

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