

Today, a few words about ND filters in photography. What is the purpose? When they are useful? How to use them? The answer to these questions can be found in the text.
Already we advised you what to follow when buying a lens. But the lens can give us much more interesting results if we superimpose on it a filter. Very interesting especially density filters, also known as ND. About what they are and how to use them read below.

What are ND filters

ND filters or gray also operate by sunglasses, so their function is to reduce the incoming light into the lens. It would seem that the more light the better, but not always the case, as in a moment. Anyway ND filters reduce light, but do not affect the coloring of the picture – simply act as exposure compensation. ND filters are different degrees of darkness. And so the filter ND2 give us such an effect as stopping down by one stop, ND4 as the two parcels stops and ND8 – three plots and so on … On the market there is also the so-called. half-filters, that is, that will give a variable amount of light – turning the filter can increase or decrease the amount of light into the lens, but for such filters you will pay more. And now about when the gray filter can be useful.

avoiding overexposure

Sometimes it is so clear that even select the lowest ISO value and maximum apertures is not enough to achieve the desired effect. Even when we want to capture the texture of the snow on a sunny day. It was then that gray filter will be very helpful.

Shallow depth of field

Small depth of field, ie blurred background, is something that always gives pictures charm. And here again – on a sunny, clear day, that image is not overexposed, we must firmly turn a blind aperture, and therefore we can not get a blurred background. Salvation in such a situation would be the ND filter. On the pictures below you can see the difference. I used the filter ND8 here, so it is not as big as it could be, if he used the filter ND16 and ND32. However, even at such a small filter, you can see that the camera is able to open the aperture wider, and thus provide greater blur.
Without a ND filter / photo. fotoManiaK.pl
With the ND filter / photo. fotoManiaK.pl

Long time exposure

If you want to get a longer shutter speed, and lighting conditions are good, the image may be overexposed, because with increasing time of exposure picture brightens. Therefore, when we want to show only a shadow of passing cars, or to blur flowing water, the ND filter will allow us to extend the exposure time without worrying about overexposure. The effect of dilution water can appear in many cases better, than the capture of individual drops. This is particularly true in the case of a river or waterfall – then the water captured with longer exposure time looks much more interesting. I did not have access to the river, and the more the waterfall, so the effect of which I speak can see an example of the fountain. The following two pictures we see what the difference is, when, thanks to the use of the filter can extend the shutter speed.
Without a ND filter / photo. fotoManiaK.pl
With the ND filter / photo. fotoManiaK.pl

Shooting traffic

ND filter will be very useful when you want to capture movement. Indeed shots blur-moving cars or running people look unnatural and dull. With longer exposure time, the form contained in the motion will be slightly fuzzy, which in many cases can look very interesting. The movement does not necessarily apply only to cars, or the lens moving quickly. Using the appropriate ND filter allows for much longer exposure time, we can blur even reaching the person and get a result like the picture below.
fot. fotoManiaK.pl


In short, it is always worth carry the ND filter. Such filters are not expensive, and thanks to them we can create interesting effects. Guard you from the x-ray images, we get shallower depth of field, and make longer exposure time, which will allow us to create interesting effects blur of moving objects.

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