
Lenovo shows concept devices with flexible displays

At this year's Lenovo Tech World event held in San Francisco, Lenovo had a lot to announce which included new products as well as some conceptual ideas which it is aiming for bringing to reality. Among the latter ones, it took the stage to show off a couple of concept devices with flexible displays.
Lenovo invited YouTube personality Meghan McCarthy for demonstrating the two devices which basically were a smartphone and a tablet. McCarthy first demoed the smartphone which she said she could not keep anywhere as she has no pockets in her dress. So, she wrapped the phone around her wrist and wore it like a wearable product. Second, she showed off a tablet which she said was using for browsing through some kitten photos. Then, she folded the tablet into half and used it like a phone for picking up calls and then expanded it to use it like a tablet again.
As you can see even though the two devices are not truly flexible, they are pretty cool and interesting. Lenovo already made it clear that these are not real products but just "a sign of things to come." The real problem with making bendable devices is with the internal components like battery and camera.
Although companies like Samsung and Nokia have been working on flexible displays and bendable devices for quite long with even a number of patents under their belts but it is the first time that we have seen concept devices that seem to be close to the reality. While we don't know when they will actually become reality and be ready for the consumer market, we can surely hope that the only way Lenovo goes from here is up.

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