
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office grants two new patents to Apple

Apple has got two patents from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. The patents the company got was for “Liquid resistant acoustic device” and “System and method of mixing accelerometer and microphone signals to improve voice quality in a mobile device.” The patents, in the technical term are patent No. 9,363,589 and patent No. 9,363,596.
Let’s look into these patents in a bit detail. As for the first patent, it speaks about having a way to waterproof the acoustic port having a mesh umbrella. Now, this is materialized bysplitting the aperture with the help of an “umbrella” and then tying them having the acoustic port placed such that this umbrella is able to cover that port inside. This prevents the water from entering the mesh making it waterproof. And as water cannot enter the port, it lessens the damage it might otherwise have caused to the entire device. Though, you’ll find a similar step for Apple Watch, this is the first instance when the system is used to make a phone resistant to water.

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