Running Linux From SD Card or USB Flash Drive - Using Balbes150 Method And Files.
All work is credited to Balbes150 @balbes150.
Running Linux from SD card or USB Flash drive on the Vega S95.
There are two separate steps to running Linux(or OpenELEC) on the Vega S95, all models.
1.) U-boot needs to be modified to enable booting from SD Card or Flash Drive.
NOTE: If you have already done Step 1, for instance, you already modified u-boot for OpenELEC, You can skip Step1
2.) The SD Card or Flash Drive needs to be prepared for the OdroidC2 Ubuntu-Mate image.
This is not too difficult, but as with all user actions related to running unofficial firmware, the user is responsible. Proceed at your own risk.
I did not see much risk, but the decision is yours.
Step 1.) Modifying u-boot to enable SD Card and/or Flash Drive booting.
-Download the file, '".
This is a Beta F/W, it is the one I used. You could use others(must be an update file for SD card updating(OTA)).
NOTE: No change to the installed Android will take place, only u-boot will be amended.
1a.) Copy to an SD card.
1b.) Download this zip file, extract and copy aml_autoscript to the SD Card.
1c.) With no SD card inserted in the S95, power on the S95. When Android boots, insert the SD Card to the S95. Open the Backup&Update app. Under the "Local Update" section, click "Select". It will examine the SD Card and you should see the file, "'", select it. This will return you to the Update&Backup app's home screen. In the "Local Update" section, click "Update", to run the update.
When complete, the S95 will reboot to Android. Remove the SD Card from the S95 and power it down. That is all we need with that SD Card, you can use it in the next step, the tool will wipe it when writing the image in the following step.
Step 2.) Preparing the SD Card or Flash Drive for OdroidC2 Ubuntu-Mate on the S95.
SD Card Class10 or better, at least 8GB recommended.
Tool you will need.
2a.) HDD Raw Copy Tool from
-If you want to install the tool, use the installed version.
-If you don't want to install the tool, use the Portable version. I used this, I like "Portable" programs.
All other files needed can be found here. However, I have put the necessary s905_autoscript file and dtb files for this step in a Zip(link in step 2c.) for convenience.
You still need to download the zip telos_ubuntu_odroid2c.7z.(2.3GB) from here.
-Extract the file. The resulting file will be, "telos_ubuntu_odroidc2.img".
2b.)Run HDD Raw Copy Tool as administrator. Using the tool, double-click "FILE", locate, select and load the image, "telos_ubuntu_odroidc2.img". Click continue.
-Pay very close attention in choosing the target, this will be the SD card or Flash drive that will be written to.
Warning: Make certain the "Target" you choose is the SD card or Flash drive you intend to write to. If you choose the wrong drive(hard drives included), the tool will overwrite it, data loss will occur. SO MAKE VERY CERTAIN YOU CHOOSE THE DRIVE(SD Card or Flash drive) YOU INTEND TO WRITE TO!
-If satisfied you have chosen the correct Target, click continue.
-Click "Start" and wait for completion.
Once done, close the tool.
2c.) Download this Zip file. Extract it and copy, "s905_autoscript" and the, "dtb.img" file for your version(Telos, Meta, Pro), to the SD Card or Flash Drive.
Safely remove the SD Card or Flash Drive.
With the S95 powered down, insert the SD card. Power on the S95. Be patient, it can take 3-7 minutes before you see the login screen.
If after 10 minutes you don't get to the Odroid login screen, power down, wait 5 seconds and reboot. If it fails to get to the login screen again, power down, wait 5 seconds and reboot. This has taken me as many as 3 repeats to get to the login screen.
Different cards seem to be more, or less, tolerant of the first boot. Once you get to the login screen, the password is odroid
Subsequent boots are fast.
Running Linux from SD card or USB Flash drive on the Vega S95.
There are two separate steps to running Linux(or OpenELEC) on the Vega S95, all models.
1.) U-boot needs to be modified to enable booting from SD Card or Flash Drive.
NOTE: If you have already done Step 1, for instance, you already modified u-boot for OpenELEC, You can skip Step1
2.) The SD Card or Flash Drive needs to be prepared for the OdroidC2 Ubuntu-Mate image.
This is not too difficult, but as with all user actions related to running unofficial firmware, the user is responsible. Proceed at your own risk.
I did not see much risk, but the decision is yours.
Step 1.) Modifying u-boot to enable SD Card and/or Flash Drive booting.
-Download the file, '".
This is a Beta F/W, it is the one I used. You could use others(must be an update file for SD card updating(OTA)).
NOTE: No change to the installed Android will take place, only u-boot will be amended.
1a.) Copy to an SD card.
1b.) Download this zip file, extract and copy aml_autoscript to the SD Card.
1c.) With no SD card inserted in the S95, power on the S95. When Android boots, insert the SD Card to the S95. Open the Backup&Update app. Under the "Local Update" section, click "Select". It will examine the SD Card and you should see the file, "'", select it. This will return you to the Update&Backup app's home screen. In the "Local Update" section, click "Update", to run the update.
When complete, the S95 will reboot to Android. Remove the SD Card from the S95 and power it down. That is all we need with that SD Card, you can use it in the next step, the tool will wipe it when writing the image in the following step.
Step 2.) Preparing the SD Card or Flash Drive for OdroidC2 Ubuntu-Mate on the S95.
SD Card Class10 or better, at least 8GB recommended.
Tool you will need.
2a.) HDD Raw Copy Tool from
-If you want to install the tool, use the installed version.
-If you don't want to install the tool, use the Portable version. I used this, I like "Portable" programs.
All other files needed can be found here. However, I have put the necessary s905_autoscript file and dtb files for this step in a Zip(link in step 2c.) for convenience.
You still need to download the zip telos_ubuntu_odroid2c.7z.(2.3GB) from here.
-Extract the file. The resulting file will be, "telos_ubuntu_odroidc2.img".
2b.)Run HDD Raw Copy Tool as administrator. Using the tool, double-click "FILE", locate, select and load the image, "telos_ubuntu_odroidc2.img". Click continue.
-Pay very close attention in choosing the target, this will be the SD card or Flash drive that will be written to.
Warning: Make certain the "Target" you choose is the SD card or Flash drive you intend to write to. If you choose the wrong drive(hard drives included), the tool will overwrite it, data loss will occur. SO MAKE VERY CERTAIN YOU CHOOSE THE DRIVE(SD Card or Flash drive) YOU INTEND TO WRITE TO!
-If satisfied you have chosen the correct Target, click continue.
-Click "Start" and wait for completion.
Once done, close the tool.
2c.) Download this Zip file. Extract it and copy, "s905_autoscript" and the, "dtb.img" file for your version(Telos, Meta, Pro), to the SD Card or Flash Drive.
Safely remove the SD Card or Flash Drive.
With the S95 powered down, insert the SD card. Power on the S95. Be patient, it can take 3-7 minutes before you see the login screen.
If after 10 minutes you don't get to the Odroid login screen, power down, wait 5 seconds and reboot. If it fails to get to the login screen again, power down, wait 5 seconds and reboot. This has taken me as many as 3 repeats to get to the login screen.
Different cards seem to be more, or less, tolerant of the first boot. Once you get to the login screen, the password is odroid
Subsequent boots are fast.
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