
Nikki Finke Returning!

Nikki Finke Returning!

My website will present short stories, novellas and novel excerpts written by Hollywood insiders like myself. After 30 years as a journalist, I’m now going to expose the hard truths and gritty reality of showbiz through creative writing. In fiction, I can be more honest than just sticking to facts. The stories which I and others write won’t depict any actual Hollywood person or event. But they will marry artifice with verisimilitude into original content creation.
I don’t care if the site gets little traffic or The Powers That Be ever advertise. Instead, I’m setting up a TinyPass paywall and charging readers $1 for each post and paying writers from the proceeds once a month. I want to create a fiction forum not just for my own work but for all the creative writing talent which Hollywood attracts but rarely nurtures. I will run the website as well as write for it and market each fictional story to my 265,000+ Twitter followers.
Ouch. US$1/story paywall. To make that fly, Nikki will need a serial that hooks people like Mad Men and Breaking Bad did.

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